The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is a non-profit addiction treatment organization based in Center City, Minnesota. Formed in 2014 from the merger of Hazelden Foundation and the Betty Ford Clinic, Hazelden's residential treatment programs promote a twelve-step method for recovery, including mental health services and recovery care management. The Center City campus offers adult residential alcohol and drug treatment with specialized programs for healthcare & legal professionals.
Healthcare professionals are particularly vulnerable to addiction. Standard programs often fail to adequately address the concerns unique to a healthcare environment. Hazelden’s professionally informed treatment plans are refined to the individual and delivered by supportive peers. For nurses, who face different challenges from physicians, there’s a first-of-a-kind program incorporating comprehensive post-treatment support.
Legal professionals also face immense stress and suffer from addiction at almost twice the rate of any other profession. A higher risk for depression and other mental health disorders is common with addiction, making treatment of these co-occuring disorders paramount to Hazelden's integrative approach to care. All specialized professional programs focus on continued care and career re-integration planning and support.
Hazelden’s family program extends treatment to loved ones who also struggle with the consequences of addiction, thus providing important benefits regardless of whether or not they have a family member in treatment. This 4-day program (example schedule) promotes education and guidance, so participants learn that while they have no control over the addict’s behavior, they can take control of their own well-being.
Visiting Hours:
Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Sundays & holidays 1:00 - 4:30 pm
Phone: 651-213-4000
Mailing Address:
Patient's name
c/o Hazelden
15251 Pleasant Valley Road
Center City, MN 55012
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Visitor Rules:
Patient Privacy is to be respected at all times. No camera or video recorders, no pets, and no over the counter medication is allowed. Additional expectations for visitors are listed on Hazelden’s Visitors Page.